Design by Erik Rasmussen, 1969.

Paustian Modular Sofa was designed by Erik Rasmussen in 1969, and by virtue of its unique ability to change expression all according to its upholstery, it remains both classic and contemporary to this day.

The sofa’s minimalist design idiom helps to emphasize the surrounding architecture and can produce an almost sculptural effect. With its clean cut but very sculptural design and comfortable seating, the sofa is ideal for the home as well as the office.

The sofa consists of straight and corner sofa modules, as well as a pouffe, all of which can be combined to create exactly the sofa you would like. The sofa can be easily modified, expanded or divided when new needs arise. The modules can even be turned in opposite directions.

Sculptural and minimalist, the Paustian Modular Sofa is both contemporary and classic.

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Design by Philip Arctander, 1944.

Paustian Furniture Collection is adding to its impressive roster of modern furniture classics with an exclusive relaunch of three original designs by late Danish architect Philip Arctander. The Arctander Collection features a sofa, a table and an ottoman, and continues our longstanding collaboration with Philip Arctanders granddaughter, Sofie Arctander Paustian.

Originally introduced and produced in very limited numbers in 1944, the furniture designs of Philip Arctander have slowly but surely emerged from relative obscurity to international recognition, and in 2016 Paustian relaunched his infamous Muslingestolen (The Arctander Chair) in collaboration with Sofie Arctander Paustian and the Arctander Estate.

The upcoming Arctander Collection follows in the footsteps of Muslingestolen and continues Arctanders principles of accessibility and durability. The collection is a part of Paustian Furniture Collection, featured alongside a curated selection of modern design classics by prominent Danish designers.

New fabrics include Amoir Libre from Dedar Milano, Storr from Bute Fabrics and an authentic hand woven fabric from McNutt. The collection is still offered in the familiar sheepskin from Skandilock and the Nordic Swan Ecolabel hide, Dunes, from Sørensen Leather. A brand new edition in Gotland Sheepskin from SIPO is available in limited numbers. The Arctander Table is available in a wood base with a table-top in a variety of exclusive stones. All wood variants are FSC-certified.

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Design by Theresa Rand, 2018

Paustian Ensemble – a modular sofa, a lounge chair and coffee tables designed by Theresa Rand.

The Ensemble sofa consists of eight different sofa modules, that can be combined in many ways – as corner sofas, 2-seater sofa, 3-seater sofa, with rounded sides or with an integrated ottoman, etc.

The Ensemble sofa is complemented by a lounge chair and 3 coffee tables that are all reflecting the expression of the sofa.

The idea behind the Ensemble sofa was to wrap comfort in elegance and a light expression. The Ensemble sofa is flexible and customizable without having a bulky look. The rounded edge elements and the ottoman have the shape of a half-circle, which gives the sofa a more curvy, cosy, and inviting appearance. It is playing with basic geometrical shapes but has a soft feel.

The name Ensemble refers to one of the meanings of the word in French: TOGETHER.

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Designet af Rasmussen & Rolff i 1996.

2R Reolen er et opbevaringsmøbel, der med sit klare og enkle designudtryk passer godt ind i alle hjem og på arbejdspladsen.

2R reolen, der er en del af Paustians egen kollektion Paustian Furniture Collection, er en enkel og stilren reolserie med korpus i to modulbredder og to dybder med tilvalg af hylder, låger eller skuffefronter. Reolen fås med sokkel, vægbeslag, ben eller hjul, der sammen med den enkle modulopbygning, giver reolen utallige kombinationsmuligheder og udtryk.

Alle låger og skuffer er uden greb, hvilket understreger reolens stilrene fremtoning. Modulerne fås i flere overflader og leveres som standard i 10 farver: hvid, sort, antracit, nude, blå, dark olive, dark green, earth grey, mushroom og orange.

Reolen består af et korpus i MDF med en faset kant på 45 grader. 2R Reolerne leveres færdigsamlede og klar til montering.

I 2020 lanceres en ny og lettere version af 2R ved navn 2R Modern.

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Design by Foersom & Hiort-Lorentzen, 2011

Paustian ASAP is a series of chairs and tables designed for Paustian by the skilled Danish designers Foersom & Hiort-Lorenzen.

The ASAP chair is designed for use at the dining table in the home, in restaurants, in the meeting-room or canteen at work, or indeed anywhere where it is desirable to have an elegant and useful chair in a contemporary idiom with great strength and durability. The shape of the frame and the padded seat provide a high degree of comfort, both aesthetically and ergonomically.

The ASAP Table is well suited for both modern and more classical surroundings. The tables can be used in the home, in restaurants, in the meeting-room or canteen at work, or indeed anywhere where it is desirable to have an elegant and useful chair in a contemporary idiom with great strength and durability.

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Design by 2R Rasmussen & Rolff, 1969

The Paustian Garden Set is a popular outdoor classic, designed by the Danish duo Henrik Rolff and Leif Rasmussen.

The Garden Set is despite its age still current. It is made from sustainable FLEGT certified teak wood, which ensures a long durability.

The Garden Set is made from massive teak planks and has a frame of galvanized steel tubing. The tabletop, which is a bit longer than the benches, makes it possible to place the garden sets in continuation of each other or to add a chair in both ends of the garden set. In this way, 8 people, instead of 6, can be seated.

Paustian Garden Set can be used both in the garden at home, at companies or in public spaces and is a simple solution, that uses a minimum of space. Bench and a table in one – simple and functional!

The Garden Set can stay outside all year, which only makes it even more beautiful.

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Designet af Paustian Design Studio

Paustian work er en enkel, moderne serie af kontormøbler, designet med fokus på funktionalitet, mobilitet og fleksibilitet.

Med et enkelt design og en holdbar kvalitet er Paustian work en fleksibel, pladsbesparende og prisvenlig løsning, der dynamisk kan tilpasses ændrede behov og forskellige arbejdssituationer. Derfor er Paustian work samtidig en fremtidssikret løsning, der kan følge med virksomhedens udvikling. Med work kan du indrette både den individuelle arbejdsplads og det store, multifunktionelle arbejdsområde med mobile arbejdspladser, mødefaciliteter, break out områder og opbevaring.

Work serien består af et arbejdsbord der fås i flere størrelser, en skuffekasse på hjul, møde- og konferenceborde i flere størrelser samt et opbevaringssystem, der kan skræddersyes individuelt. Hele serien leveres i sort linoleum eller hvid laminat. Reolen fås i sort eller hvid melamin.

Work serien er designet af Paustian Design Studio og det er Fasting & Rolff, der har designet Storage System til serien.

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Designet af Paul Leroy

Paustian Spinal serie består af hel række borde og stole til både hjemmet og arbejdspladsen designet af den danske arkitekt og designer Paul Leroy til Paustian.

Paustian Spinal Chair 44 har et stramt og internationalt udtryk – og er en fortrinlig møde- og konferencestol eller café- og spisebordstol.

Paustian Spinal Table er med sit lette og enkle udtryk, kombineret med mange valgmuligheder, et godt valg til både hjemmet og arbejdspladsen. De mange størrelser både i boatshape, kvadratisk eller rektangulært og flere højder giver mulighed for gode fleksible indretningsløsninger.

Spinal Table med funktionelt synkronudtræk gør det muligt at enmandsbetjene bordet, selv i den store størrelse. Stellets design gør, at benene ikke kommer i vejen, og der kan derfor placeres ekstra mange stole omkring. Spinal Table med udtræk fås i to forskellige størrelser og bordet fås rektangulært eller i boatshape form.

Den lave fuldpolstrede skalstol Paustian Spinal Chair 80 er med det enkle design er velegnet som lænestol i hjemmet eller f.eks. i virksomheden som møblement til lounge- eller receptionsområder.

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Design by Helene Blanche, 2018

Paustian SOFT is a collection of throws and pillows designed exclusively for Paustian by Danish textile designer Helene Blanche.

The collection takes its point of departure in the classic ‘horse cloth’ textile, that the founder of Paustian, Ole Paustian, started using back in the 1960’s in interiors and for furniture – and by the way was the inspiration for the iconic Paustian Modular Sofa from 1969.

The SOFT collection is woven in pure baby alpaca wool from Peru. Using a minimalistic and sophisticated take, Helene Blanche has redefined the softly textured throws by creating two new patterns, “Stripes” and “Plain“, while still maintaining the classic “Checks”. All three designs in the SOFT collection emit classic elegance and have a simple, yet luxurious feel. The throws are suitable for use in a wide variety of interiors and work beautifully together in a multitude of combinations due to the subtle colour scheme, which emanates freshness, yet establishes an emotional depth. The patterns have a modern look with an artisan finish, the substance of which becomes exceptionally clear when the patterns are viewed and used together.

Using a minimalistic and sophisticated take, Helene Blanche has redefined the classic ‘horse cloth’ textile by creating two new patterns, “Stripes” and “Plain”, while still maintaining the classic “Checks”.

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